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Final Conclusions

Here we are

from left: Yael govrin, Ori Toledano, Naama Elkana, Mr. Alon Shprung and Liad Berko (Shani Yadi is missing from the picture)

and our final working prototype in the middle

We won't go into the drama of filming our final movie.. but it was a hit.

We won't go into the harsh making of the final design but Yael lost a lot of sleep over it.

Last day as blossom. We took pride in our product and pitched it for 90 minutes straight for whoever came to our stand.

We got a lot of positive feedback, it was not the atmosphere for critic. Our parents came to watch our final product and the whole day was festive.

We envisioned a world of blossoms, where each cactus represents something you want to improve. Whether your sugar levels, fitness, sleep or a diet. But over all, a world in which the connection with the family is made stronger.

For the app, we imagine a world where smart periphery devices can detect the correct context ideal for what we want to do.

Many knots are left unopened. How will people react if dragged into a phone conversation? How long will they stay connected to the system, How accurate will the system be and if it's inaccuracy will become a burden ton the user? Will users remember to change family members, Is the basic assumption that raising the amount of phone calls enough to improve the connection between family members?

and many other questions are still left open.

Thanks for reading & If you are only now starting to read i suggest you srart at the begining

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